Club Info
Philips Stadium
Frederiklaan 10A
5616 NH Eindhoven
The Netherlands
PSV Foundation
Their belief: ‘Eendracht maakt macht’ (unity makes power)
Together with their partners, they have an eye for young people’s problems and opportunities. For their worries and happiness. They give each other energy, pride and perspective. For better or for worse. PSV Foundation is convinced that they can help young people move forward. Make them better. Stronger together. As one family. As one team. With the power of unity. Because unity makes power.
Role description
For 110 years, they’ve been doing things together at PSV: Unity makes power! They dare to explore, try and learn. With that power, they give each other energy, pride and perspective. In an environment where they care about others, PSV Foundation finds its new role. They are there for young people who could use an extra boost. With the knowledge, connecting power and resources of PSV and its partners, they make a strong fist to bring young people a step further. They help them on their way to their best version. The result? Endless opportunities. Stronger together. Moving forward together.
Their mission:
PSV Foundation offers as many young people as possible in Eindhoven the chance to develop and participate fully in society.
Their vision:
Using the PSV brand and its network, we increase self-awareness, the personal network, intrinsic motivation and social – and work-related skills of young people.